Leaf Relief .ca
Deb Stagg at 133B York St. Kingston Ontario K7K  1R1
Email: deb@debstagg.com

Welcome Back to Leaf Relief !
Summer 2024
Cement & Leaf Casting
Here is a map to my Kingston studio

Fountains, Bird baths,Tables and unique cement and leaf designs are ready for your garden. You can copy the image and email to me for an easy reference. If that piece has been sold, another piece can be comissioned.  I create and sell my work from my home garden, shows, and through this website.  Shows are listed below.
   You are more than welcome to drop by and see my work - but telephone/email 1st, please as I may be casting.

Upcoming Workshops 2024
Register by Saturday,June1st 2024 please.
Workshops are limited to 4 participants and classes fill quickly.
How to Register

 (follow the yellow links for more info)

I offer weekday classes in some of my workshops for private
parties as my schedule allows
Gather 4 friends/family  and have a fun day casting!
Email me and we can look at dates and choose the workshop of mutual interest.

Studio FacilitiesFountainsGarden Decor
Birdbaths & Garden Tables

More for the Garden

A support of stones was created for this fountain to create a slope. A rear view of the fountain on the left.

If you're searching for a garden fountain, that is designed for your garden, please make arrangements with me. My best display is at the shows listed below. I have some work on display here - permanent installments but it is also my work area. I may be casting, so it's best if you call first or email. We can arrange a best time 
Here is a map to my Kingston studio

I have made fountains for clients by internet as well - by sending photos of the work in progress.
If you see a photo on this site that suits what you want - please just right click and copy the photo and email it. We can discuss our options and with your approval of the final details (by email) we can arrange pick up.

#613 5451203


I offer cement designs in bird baths, fountains, garden tables and much more.
 Feel free to dicuss your fountain ideas. I enjoy innovating

Below is a 5 foot fountain installation I designed for
Providence Spirituality Centre Kingston.

 Shows  Summer 2024
More may be added so please revisit

Kiwi Art in the Garden

  June 14, 15 & 16th, Friday, Saturday & Sunday
9 to 5 pm
Telephone 613 267 7384
email:  kiwigardens@storm.ca

Visit, for more info and directions

Kiwi Gardens has asked that tickets for day and time be purchased before the show. ($5)  Available May 1 2024
Your stay at the show is not limited. Feel free to wander and wonder at your leisure.
Please contact:  "Tickets Please" online or by phone as of May 1 2024, to secure a ticket

Fantasy in the Forest

Another delightful show! Very well named
July 20 & 21st
Sat. & Sunday, 10 to 5

 1860 Draper Lake Road South Frontenac Ont.
North from Kingston on Hwy 10, Turn west off Hwy 10 at Wilmer Rd. just North of Perth Road Village
Follow the well marked road signs.

